Working on projects across the globe, covering solar farms, energy storage and infrastructure upgrades. Here you'll find an overview of our current and completed projects.
Kharabadraw - 136MW
Located near Erbil (Kurdistan), the Kharabadraw project is under construction and scheduled to complete in 2024. When completed the project will produce more than 200GWh a year.

Flon - 200MW
Located strategically near 2 major substations, the 100MW Al Harir project will commence construction in Q4 2024 and be completed in 2025.

Piazza - 80MW
Located in Sicily, the Piazza project has an SMTG with Terna and will commence construction in 2026 for completion in 2026.

Mandalgovi - 75MW
Adding stand-alone storage to the grid infrastructure for additional stability and reliability, the Mandalgovie energy storage project will help the Mongolian government to manage grid and electricity costs. Construction is expected to commence summer 2025.

Paika - 250MW
An exciting 250 MW solar project in Estonia, ready for construction in the spring of 2025.
Melagrani - 800MWh
Our biggest BESS development at 100MW - 800MWh based in Sicily is expected to start operation in Q3 2025

Aquilino - 200MW
A large solar development in the province of Enna in Sicily under development